Presidential system and presidentialism in Europe

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Miroslav Đorđević


The presidential system of separation of powers is a legacy of the American constitutional tradition. In this country it has been successfully applied (in relative terms) since the adoption of the Constitution in 1787. Legal history however records numerous attempts at legal transplantation of this system, especially in Latin American and African countries, which in practice by rule ended up with distortion of the model – deviation characterized by the strong prevalence of the executive power.

When it comes to Europe, there are only a few examples (attempts) to implement the presidential system of government. The Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey (since the 2017 constitutional amendments) are lone examples of its declarative application. However, the constitutional changes in Russia (2020), as well as in Belarus (2022), leave room for consideration and analysis of the position and (alleged) growing role of the President of the Republic on the European continent. The subject of this paper is therefore the analysis of the implementation of the presidential system in the mentioned countries, as well as the issue of the existence of tendencies of presidentialization, which are often discussed in the general and professional public.

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