Fixed-term employment contract in comparative and domestic law
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As a rule, employees make an indefinite-term employment contract, while a fixed-term employment contract is used as an exception, only in circumstances that justify it. However, due to the process od globalization and financial destabilization, a fixed-term employment contract has become the most widespread type of employment contract. On that note, not only is the standard contractual model being broken, but flexibilization is also being asserted along with it as a new means of fighting the unemployment. Namely, flexibilization in its definition implies a different employment outline and expansion of atypical contractual arrangements. Hence, the subject of this paper will be the analysis of fixed-term employment contract in comparative law, bearing in mind all the differences in national legal systems regarding the conditions of making the contract, the maximum number of successive contracts and the total duration of the contract. Aside from that, the paper will list the situations in which is allowed to make a fixed-term employment contract in domestic law, as well as the issue of time limitation of the contract.
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