Termination of employment by the will of the employee

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Aleksandar Antić


The grounds for termination of employment of the employee are the reasons why the employment of a specific person hired by the employer on the basis of an employment contract is terminated. They can be a product of the will of the employer (in a situation when the employee's employment contract is terminated) objective circumstances (when the employment relationship is terminated by "force of law"), a consequence of the agreement between employer and employee and termination of employment contract by the employee.

The agreement between the employee and the employer is a special basis for termination of employment, which contains a statement of two concurring wills. Such an agreement is concluded when it is signed, and it must specify the day of termination of employment, and provisions on the use of annual leave, payment of back wages, etc. can be found.

Termination of the employment contract by the employee means that the employee can terminate the employment at any time, but the written notice of termination should be submitted to the employer at least 15 days in advance. In the legal system of the Republic of Serbia, there are no conditions that an employee must meet in order to be able to terminate an employment contract with an employer. The right to terminate an employment contract derives from the freedom to work.

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