Economic significance of e-sports
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E-sports is short for electronic sports. E-sports players play against each other in single or multiplayer mode on PC or console and compete in virtual competiti- ons. Competitions are held in the disciplines of sports simulation, real-time strategy games and first-person shooters. The most popular games are FIFA, League of Le- gends (LoL), Defense of the Ancients (Dota 2) and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). Numerous large companies have long recognized the economic potential of e-sports. For example, PC component manufacturers such as Intel, Samsung and Acer are generating more revenue thanks to e-sports. In addition, team sponsorships following the model used in traditional sports are popular in e-sports. A prominent example is the South Korean team SK Telecom, which is maintained by a local te- lecommunications company and has dominated on the world stage for years. Revenues in e-sports also come from voice-overs, premium content, and ticket sales. In general, many aspects of e-sports and classic sports are similar, regardless of the fact that e-sports is still not an officially registered sport in most countries, including Serbia. The recognition of eSports as a type of sport could lead to its greater social acceptance. In addition, such recognition would lead to certain legal advantages as well as financing possibilities.
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