Overview of the legal framework of electronic government in the Republic of Serbia
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The research will be dedicated to the analysis of the strategic and legal frame- work related to e-government in Serbia. In this way, the author will try to provide a comprehensive approach to legal norms that create a normative basis for the establishment of practical e-government projects. The beginnings of the introduction of information and communication technologies in the work of administrative bodies appear simultaneously with the fundamental and comprehensive reform of the state administration, which began several years after the democratic changes in 2000s. As e-government is a relatively new phenomenon in the Serbian legal system, legal analysis will start from the very beginning of its introduction into the domestic legal system. As an extremely branched phenomenon, e-government is regulated by a series of special laws. Of course, the basic law in this area in Serbia is the Law on Electronic Government. In addition to this law, the Law on General Administrative Procedure is of great importance for the application of institutes and rules related to e-government. In addition to them, numerous institutes and forms of e-government can be found in the laws governing special administrative areas.
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